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The earliest version of what we now call the EU had its origins in the aftermath of two World Wars, which exploded out of disputes between European countries. Those catastrophes were the continuation of a trail of death and destruction wrought across Europe by a history of wars that stretches back centuries. But 1946 was perhaps different. European leaders were looking back on wartime deaths in their own lifetimes of nearly 100 million people, most of them civilians. That is more than twice the population of England at the time. They felt an urgent need to stem the tide of death that ripped Europe’s children from their families. Winston Churchill famously said “ We must build a kind of United States of Europe. In this way only will hundreds of millions of toilers be able to regain the simple joys and hopes which make life worth living ”(1) Other war-chastened European leaders had less ambitious ideas and 1950 saw the first precursor that evolved into the EU as we know it. Th...